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Keystone 100 Fine Sanding Twig Assortment Pack with 4 Different Color Coded Abrasive Grits

758 Calificaciones
100 Piece Fine Sanding Twigs
121 Piece Detail Sanding Kit

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Keystone

Peso con empaque: 0.445 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Detail sanding can be very tedious work, especially when your sanding things like wooden toys, plastic scale models, wood turnings or most any small project. We often settle for a piece of sandpaper, fold it multiple times and struggle to get into tight spaces. With the perfectly sized Keystone Sanding Twigs, this becomes a thing of the past. With the 1/8 inch thick, flexible foam core, laminated with a double sided abrasive, you’ll be able to sand those hard to reach areas and more!
The narrow size of the Keystone Sanding Twigs make them ideal for many types of projects. Woodworkers love these unique twigs for sanding applications like dowel holes and dovetail corners for great fitting joinery. Woodworkers also use these sticks for many different small projects like wooden toys and wood turnings. Many scale model builders use this style of sanding twig for easily working the trim on the plastic parts when the models are taken apart from the runner (parts holder)
You’ll find multiple uses for these sanding twigs all around your home, workshop or hobby shop. From de-burring small pipes, to your working on your latest arts and crafts project, these twigs are the perfect choice to get the job done. The size and shape makes them perfect for just about any smaller object that needs to be detail sanded.
Each detail sanding stick is approximately 6 inches long and 1/8 inch thick with the abrasive on both sides of the twig. The twigs are the same dimension the entire length of the twig. This makes them ideal for small projects. The abrasive sides are layered and bonded on to a foam core which is firm enough for general sanding purposes and forgiving enough for delicate areas on your projects.
This convenient pack of sanding twigs comes with 25 each of 4 different sanding grits. This gives you a total of 100 sanding twigs for working most any type of project. In this pack you will receive 25 each of the following color coded grits: 180 grit, 240 grit, 320 grit 400 grit. These grits are perfect for most general sanding applications ranging from woodworking to model building.

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Precio: U$S 27.82 $ 1.230

Ahorras: U$S 13.91 (50%) $ 610 (50%)

U$S 13.91

$ 620

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