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Innovative designs

Innovative Designs Friends Journal with Character Tabs and Spiral Binding and Flexible Plastic Cover, 6 x 8 inches

3073 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: Fuera de stock

Marca: Innovative designs

Peso con empaque: 0.445 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Amazon

FRIENDS NOTEBOOK, DIARY, OR JOURNAL – With 144 pages, this cute 7 x 8 inch Friends journal features cartoon versions of Chandler, Monica, Rachel, Joey, Phoebe, and Ross at their iconic fountain.
LINED PAGES INSIDE – Each page inside has Central Perk graphics on the bottom corner of the famous couch and café sign. Monica’s door frame is featured on the back cover.
CHARACTER SECTION DIVIDERS – Each of 6 sections is divided with plastic pages that feature the characters with their most famous sayings, like Joey’s “How you doin’” and Ross’s “We were on a break.”
SPIRAL BINDING WITH TAB SEPARATORS – Each character has its own plastic tab on top to divide the notebook for easy organization.
MAKES A GREAT FRIENDS GIFT – Perfect for teens and adults who love the popular T.V. series, this journal makes a perfect Christmas, birthday, or holiday gift.

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With 144 pages, this cute Friends journal features cartoon versions of Chandler, Monica, Rachel, Joey, Phoebe, and Ross at their iconic fountain. Each of them dresses like the characters in the show – Monica wears a chef outfit, Chandler holds a chick and Joey holds his duck, Ross has his monkey on his head, Rachel wears her waitressing outfit, and Phoebe holds her guitar. Each page inside has Central Perk graphics on the bottom corner, of the famous couch and café sign. Each of 6 sections is divided with plastic pages that feature the characters with their most famous sayings, like Joey’s “How you doin’” and Ross’s “We were on a break.” Monica’s door frame is featured on the back cover. Each character has its own plastic tab on top to divide the notebook for easy organization. Perfect for teens and adults who love the popular T.V. series, this journal makes a perfect Christmas, birthday, or holiday gift.

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