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18 Pcs New York City Serie Rectancular Uv Printing Thick Wooden Souvenir Fridge Magnets 9 Pcs Horizontal 9 Pcs Vertical, 9x6.5 Cm

48 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: Fuera de stock

Marca: Generic

Peso con empaque: 0.747 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Amazon

18 Pieces Pack New York City Rectancular Uv Printing Wooden Decorative Souvenir Fridge Magnets
Made 5 mm Thickness Mdf Plywood, Uv Direct Print Technology.
9 Pcs Horizontal, Times Square, Central Park, American Flag Yellow Cab and Brooklyn Bridge With Liberty Statue Collage, Brooklyn Bridge and Skyscrappers, Brooklyn Bridge and Skyscrappers Night View, Grand Central Terminal, Brooklyn Bridge Walking Way, Fifth Avenue, Manhattan
9 Pcs Vertical, Brooklyn Bridge American Flag Liberty Statue Collage, New York Five Borough Illustration Brooklyn Bronx Queens Manhattan Staten Island, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Chrysler Building, Yellow Cab, Manhattan Bridge Queens Dumbo View, Flatiron Building, Liberty Statue and Empire State Building, Brownstone House
Don't Scratch Your Fridge, Back side includes soft magnet.. Each Magnet ın A Bag. All in One Box

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Este producto viaja > USA > Tus Manos

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18 Pieces Pack New York City Rectancular Uv Printing Wooden Decorative Souvenir Fridge Magnets

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La valoración promedio de 18 Pcs New York City Serie... es 4 (basado en 48 reviews).


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