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Ariat Men's Heritage R Toe Western Boot

2282 Calificaciones
Black Deertan
Distressed Brown

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Ariat

Peso con empaque: 0.901 kg

Producto con devolución

Producto de: Amazon


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Precio: U$S 453.62 AR$ 587.220

Ahorras: U$S 208.58 (44%) AR$ 270010 (44%)

U$S 245.04

AR$ 317.210

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Más detalles del producto

Showcasing a subtle appeal, these Ariat Heritage Men’s Western Round Toe Calf Boots will be the perfect workwear that is robust, practical, and fashionable. Made of quality leathers, this durable pair of hill billy boots feature handcrafted intriguing designs on the shaft that add more character to their appearance. Work the dirt track or step in the mud, these boots won’t give up on you. An elegant stitch pattern, a dress rubber sole and the ATS technology make this pair of western cowboy boots for men the right choice for every countryside fashion lover. The ATS technology is incorporated in them so you have maximum foot stability and comfort all day long. The upper and foot are made of full-grain premium quality leather. Their leather lining further adds to the comfort along with the cushioning PU midsole that dampens all the shocks while you are breaking a sweat in the barn or outside. Moreover, for superior grip and traction, these men’s leather boots have the wear-resistant and flexible Duratread outsole.Ariat is a leader in developing advanced technologies to deliver products that outperform in a variety of demanding environments. The brand partners with world-class biomechanical research groups and testing labs to improve product performance, comfort, and durability – while focusing on real-world product functionality. Ariat works with global suppliers to develop new materials that are lighter, cooler, and more durable than anything in the market. The brand field-tests all of its products to consistently raise the bar for functionality and style.Here at Ariat, we are committed to delivering performance footwear and clothing with an emphasis on technology and innovation. Today, Ariat’s world-class product team builds innovative and award-winning performance products for all types of outdoor and work environments.

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La valoración promedio de Ariat Men's Heritage R Toe... es 4 (basado en 2282 reviews).


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