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Fishing Tackle Backpack with Rod Holder Compact Fishing Gear Storage Bag, Ideal Fishing Gifts for Men Women

60 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: Fuera de stock

Marca: Huntsen

Peso con empaque: 0.375 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Amazon

Versatility -The Huntsen Fishing Backpack is a versatile and multi-use bag that can be quickly changed from a backpack to a sling shoulder bag. It comes with 2 left/right exchangeable, adjustable shoulder straps and a waist strap. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for any fishing enthusiast, as it can be used as a handbag, chest bag, fishing tackle bag, traveling bag, overnight bag, and more.
Comfort-The backpack is designed with thicker padded back and breathable material, which paired with adjustable, padded shoulder straps provide ultimate comfort. Whether you're fishing for a few hours or an entire day, this backpack will ensure you stay comfortable throughout.
Ample Storage-The main compartment measures 16.5x11.8x5.5". There are 2 smaller compartments in the main storage area for organizing your gear, and 3 external zippered pockets for storing your daily items with quick access. Additionally, there is a left pocket for water cup or bottle, and a right pocket for tools like pliers, knives, and screwdrivers. Two rod belts on the side provide space for fishing rod storage.
Durability-The Huntsen Fishing Backpack is designed to be both fashionable and durable. It is made from high-quality materials that can withstand the wear and tear of fishing trips, making it a reliable choice for any angler.
Fashionable Design- The Huntsen Fishing Backpack is not only functional but also fashionable. Its sleek design and color options make it a stylish accessory to take with you on your fishing trips.

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