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Yoga Mat Fitness Mat Eco Friendly Material SGS Certified Ingredients TPE Specifications 72'' x 26'' Thickness 1/4-Inch Non-Slip Extra Large Yoga Mat with Carry Bag (Blue)

245 Calificaciones

Disponibilidad: Fuera de stock

Marca: Yawho

Peso con empaque: 1.215 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Amazon

New Eco Friendly Material : TPE is the latest technological improvement to the traditional yoga mats. No latex, no PVC, non-toxic or any harmful chemicals. Our mats are made of SGS certified TPE material which is non-slip, odor-less and excellent in cushioning, unlike those cheap & traditional non-degradable PVC, NBR or EVA yoga mats. They are truly eco-friendly, healthy and recyclable.
Body Alignment System: The alignment lines help you to focus and adjust your hands and feet to the accurate position, and keep body in proper alignment.
Alignment stripe design: Perfect for home or studio use. The alignment lines help to maintain the correct body posture in several asanas (yoga positions). It is particularly helpful when practicing alone without a yoga trainer.
Exceptional Resilience: Allow you to keep your balance during any exercise style. Moisture resistant Technology makes the mat to be easily washed with soap and water.
Guarantee: Our mats come with a 1 year warrantee, any problems we will replace straight away. Anything else, our team are on hand 24/7 and will resolve your issue within 24 hours

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La valoración promedio de Yoga Mat Fitness Mat Eco Fr... es 4 (basado en 245 reviews).


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